Why Choose CSBS as your NDIS provider?

We like to think we are pretty good at what we do. So…without jargon, buzz words and slick marketing… let's break it down.

Choosing an NDIS disability support provider can be overwhelming...

We know that finding the right provider to suit you and your needs can be overwhelming when faced with so many different options and services. You want to know that the provider you choose can give you the right supports in the right way, so you can live your life the way you want.

At CSBS, we work with you to make sure that we understand your needs and your wishes; we like to get to know you and for you to get to know us before making the commitment to use our services. We will have conversations about the important people in your life, your risks and challenges, and the things you would like and need so the supports we provide are right for you.

All good relationships are built on trust and mutual respect, a provider / participant relationship is no different. We commit to putting you and your needs first and including you in the decisions that affect your life and the things you want to do.

Have a scroll through the below and if you feel like we’re a good fit for you reach out to us so we can talk about how we can be a part of your story.

Our approach makes all the difference

CSBS Connect

Access real-time Participant support information through CSBS Connect.

We have made it easier for nominees to access the notes and information we keep about the people we support. Information like, progress notes, medical and health data, activities, and the supports and care we provide during a shift.

Every form we create that records information about a person we support is created uniquely for that person. No cookie cutter data collection here. Just personalised and tailored data collection that we give YOU access to.

Advocacy - It's about time

CSBS advocates for the rights of people with disabilities and emphasises the importance of advocacy support. We provide information on finding an advocate to help you navigate the support system, understand your rights, and ensure your needs are met.

We are a registered NDIS provider

To be a registered NDIS provider, we must undergo and pass a full audit of our systems and supports every three years. In addition to these audits, we also undertake a mid-term surveillance audit 18 months after every full audit.

The audit team is independent, which means they don’t work for us or the NDIS Commission.

We'll speak your language

We’re committed to ensuring that all information is accessible to you in a way that you can understand.

Whether you need an interpreter, braille, sign language, or easy-read materials, we’ll work with you to find the best communication method. If your needs change, please let us know so we can continue to provide you with the support you deserve.

Path Planning

We use Path Planning to map your goals. 

We mean it when we say we strive to deliver person-focused supports and services. As part of our delivery of supports, we offer facilitated PATH planning sessions – these are 12-month forward planning sessions that bring you and your team together to discuss your goals and ideas, and plan the activities that you want and need to do, rather than what we think you want and need to do.

Our 9 principles of support

The 9 Principles of Support weren’t born in a boardroom.

They’re the culmination of nearly a century of combined hands-on experience in the disability sector. Our leadership team, with backgrounds in support work, coordination, and more, brings a wealth of knowledge to the table. They’re passionate thought leaders driven by a shared mission -to make a real difference in the lives of NDIS participants.

Training our Support Workers

We believe support workers provide the best support to people when they are equipped with the right knowledge and systems to enable them to do their job.

Excellent training & induction + Ongoing support & mentoring = great support workers!

Knowledge that ensures they understand how to work within the NDIS guidelines backed up by systems and resources that support them in their role.

We don’t believe in the online “tick and flick” inductions just to meet a compliance requirement.

Person-led supports

Open up a world of possibilities, options and partnerships – be supported to set your goals, problem-solve and make decisions to live your best life.

Person-led suppports is a relationship-based model of co-designing your supports, that places you at the centre of all your life decisions.

4D Support Evolution

Our 4D Evolution makes all the difference

Our 4D Evolution is our person-focused way of working with our customers to discover, design, deliver, and develop supports and services that are relevant and wanted – supports based on your preferences and not our assumptions.

Reflective practice

Reflective Practice is a daily feature of the supports and services we provide. The act of curiously asking questions is one of the most meaningful ways we avoid making assumptions and support you to do the things you want to do, or do the things you have to do, in a way that’s ok with you.

This is the fundamental principle of behaviour supports – and one of the first considerations of reflective practice.

We Co-Design supports

You know your needs and we know the NDIS. Together we can co-design your supports at home that will match your preferences to live the life you want.

Co-designing supports is asking questions and learning about what’s important to you, what supports mean to you and how you would like them managed.

Your safety, our priority

We pride ourselves on going above and beyond to ensure our support workers are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to provide high-quality care.

From NDIS worker screening to specialised training programs, we prioritise compliance and professional development to maintain the highest standards of service.

Supports We Offer

Behaviour Supports

Our Behavior Support Practitioners help you to develop healthier ways to express yourself. We'll create a personalised plan to support your goals, including improving communication, managing emotions, and learning safe responses.

Supported Independent Living

At CSBS, we believe that everyone deserves the freedom to live independently. We work alongside you to create a personalised support plan that helps you achieve your goals. We're with you every step of the way!

High & Complex Needs

CSBS specialise in complex care and personalised support. We help manage daily routines for those with diabetes, epilepsy, wounds, and more. Our Person-led approach makes all the difference.

Hospital to Home Support

We work with you, your family, and your healthcare team to understand your unique needs and find suitable housing options. Our understanding of the NDIS will help guide you.


We deliver high-intensity daily personal activities (HIDPA) for people at home and in the community. Our commitment to providing an exceptional standard of care when delivering high-risk supports sets us apart.

Community Supports

Our community-based supports focus on helping you build meaningful relationships and a strong sense of belonging. We’ll assist you in developing recreational pursuits and exploring opportunities to connect with others in your community.

Getting Started Is Easy


Call us on 1300 18 11 88, fill in our general contact form or complete a referral form and tell us about the supports you are looking for.


Are we a good fit for your needs? Let’s take the time to find out.


Then we Discover, Design, Deliver & Develop – our 4D‘s!